Easily Manage Your Tournaments
Create and edit your tournaments in a simple and easy-to-understand interface. Indicate the sport type (choose from a list), date and time for starting, cutoff for entries, and finishing, as well as any limits on participation and the entry fee.
A handy feature is where you indicate how many playing sections (courts, tables, fields, etc.) you have available, so that you can display the order of play for your participants to keep up to speed.
You can also indicate whether your event is part of a series of events (which would trigger series rankings), and whether you want to make your event public or private.
If your event is part of a series, you can send invitations for your event to all previous participants in the series.

Manage Entries
Your attendance register allows for easy entry management. It is armed with a number of tried and tested and high-demand functions.
It helps with keeping track of entry fee payments and marking present pre-entries. Adding new players to the list as they walk in is a breeze.
Our system is very intuitive and will automatically recommend the best format for your event. Re-seeding and fixturing for your event happens within seconds.
It is no longer necessary to spend hours working out the draw and then have to re-do everything when someone shows up out of the blue – or if a pre-entry doesn’t show.

Add Players
Enter the first few letters of a player’s name or surname, and choose from the list matching your search criteria.

Easily Register New Players
To register new players on the system is a simple one-step process. Upon registration they receive an email with their access credentials.
Once they are registered they can be added to the event using the process above.

Add Teams, then Choose Players
Instead of adding individual players manually, if it is a team competition they can be added from a list with a simple single click if the team was first added to the team attendance register.

Multiple Tournament Formats
The software has a multitude of pre-programmed tournament formats to choose from:
- Round Robin with pools of 3 to 4 players
- Round Robin with pools of 4 to 5 players
- Triple Elimination (3 strikes & you’re out)
- Divisional Knockouts (with playoffs for all positions)
- League
- Full Round Robin
- Alternative Pool Play (with seeds pooled together instead of at opposite sides)
If the tournament director prefers to run a different format, matches can be created individually as well.

Knockouts in Separate Divisions
Whichever the format, it always comes down to the final knockouts. These rounds always give the option of a “plate” division of sorts, playing out to every single last position so there doesn’t have to be a shared position.
The added benefit of this system is that players get to play multiple games regardless of whether they win or lose.

Playing Section Assignment
If the tournament is set up with a certain number of playing sections (tables / courts / fields / etc.) then it is easy to assign this to every match that is created.
Once the playing section is assigned, matches will appear on the Order of Play, which makes it easy for participants to follow the tournament progress.

Results Entry
Result entry is a simple one-step process. Simply choose the winner, enter the score and submit.
Within a tournament the gears grind in the background to ensure the winner and loser are routed to the right places in the tournament.

Player Performance Overview
At the end of the tournament the player performance overview can be viewed. This shows the player’s initial seeding and how it changed throughout the tournament.
The ranking points awarded are based on the strength of all the individual players participating in the event, decreasing by 10% for each position.
The strength of the players is drawn from the Sports Challenges unique level-up system, by which all players start on level 1 and work their way up from there by winning individual matches against same or higher level players.

Completed Matches Dashboard
This screen provides much more control than simply showing a list of completed matches. It allows you to edit the tournament rating (ranking points) as well as the default positional decrement percentage.
You can also edit scores assigned, enter prize money won, assign (and reset) tournament division and stage, delete a match permanently, and get a results image for sharing with participants.